CTI Maturity Self Assessment

We believe threat intelligence will significantly strengthen the cyber risk profile of organisations. Organisations however are struggeling to determine how to build and improve their CTI programs. To help organizations assess and improve their current CTI capabilities, we developed the cyber threat intelligence maturity model (CTIM). CTIM provides an analysis of the current state of organizations, identifies strong and weak points in their CTI-related activities, and gives a set of suggestions on which activities and investments could be done as next steps to produce and make better use of CTI. We designed CTIM for anyone working in the field of cyber security and cyber threat intelligence. Specifically, the maturity rating and recommendations will be of use to top-level management, L3 analysts, SOC leads, security officers, etc.

What is in it for you?

The self-assessment platform provides you with a free assessment report that contains insights into the progress made by your organisation in their cyber threat intelligence program. This report breaks the results down into the domains and focus-areas identified by the CTI maturity model, and rates each with their progress and maturity score. Furthermore, an overall maturity rating for your organisation will be given. This knowledge can be used to determine where the most progress has been achieved and how this relates to your CTI roadmap. In addition, based on your assessment results, the platform will provide you with a set of personalised recommendations. These recommendations are there to aid you growing your CTI program towards the next maturity level. Often organisations are progressing successfully with their overall CTI program, and have only select aspects that require focus.

What can you expect?

The CTI maturity assessment consists of roughly 250 questions and will take up to 1-2 hours of your time. The goal of these questions is to establish how well a practice is established and consistently performed, it is not necessary to overthink questions. The assessment will explore the following three topics:

  1. Understanding your background
  2. Cyber Threat Intelligence within your organisation
  3. The integration of CTI throughout your organisation
During the assessment, it is possible to save your progress and continue at a later stage. After completing the questionnaire the platform will automatically process your submission (within a minute) and create your personalised CTI Maturity report. While your report is generated, we kindly ask you to fill out an optional feedback form regarding your experience with the CTI Maturity assessment platform. Once your results are evaluated you will automatically be taken to your report.


The questions relate to some activities or procedures, to give you examples of how this might be implemented we provide guidance for some questions. You can find these by expanding the “annotation”, as demonstrated in the image below. Annotations bring context to a question, intending to help you to determine the correct response, they are not a single truth and are there for guidance only.

Question with hidden annotation
Question with visible annotation

Start the assessment

When you have read and understood the instructions you can move forward with the assessment.